Chomping at the bit to start a new business? Slow down first, and see if any of these signs describe you. If they do, you might not be as ready as you think.


Written by kingofcontent92
3886 days ago

Great tips. This article will surely help those who are thinking on having a business but is having doubt.

I say thank you from all the people you will help.

Written by smpayton
3885 days ago

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Written by tiroberts
3887 days ago

Very insightful piece. A lot of people need to read this to ensure that they're ready to take on something as big as starting a true business venture.

Written by smpayton
3885 days ago


It's easy to think an idea is enough, but it's worth hesitating before diving in.

Written by BizRock
3889 days ago

There are many things you need to consider when starting a business. Thanks for putting so much info, very useful article.

Written by smpayton
3889 days ago

Thank you!

Written by bigmoneyweb
3890 days ago

You're very right man and, i agree with you. There are many questions you need to ask yourself when starting a business the first time so that you'll know if you're really ready for it or not. Thanks for sharing this with the bizsugar community.


Written by smpayton
3890 days ago

Thanks Val!

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