If you have followed me for a while, you know how much I love Twitter. However, for the last year or so, I have been a lot more active on Instagram. It is a better promotional platform for my images. Plus, fellow photographers are more engaging there.

Unfortunately, I also feel like saying: “Houston, we have a problem.” There are so many spammers, bot accounts and trolls that it’s not even funny. Some days, it is even worse than YouTube.


Written by lyceum
2542 days ago

Cendrine: You are right about that! ;) I look forward to read your next piece! :)

Written by lyceum
2546 days ago

Cendrine: All kinds of short cuts and "miracle" tricks are bad for your social media presence and personal brand. Glad to see you back on track! ;)

Thanks for sharing your thoughtful post here on BizSugar!

All the Best,


Written by cendrinemedia
2543 days ago

Yes, of course. But I was addressing two that are rife on Instagram. ;-)

Thank you for reading!

Written by tiroberts
2548 days ago

Loved your insights

Written by cendrinemedia
2548 days ago


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