Facebook recently announced they are making changes to their news feed algorithm to prioritize personal connections and engagement. In short, the changes will favor active engagement over passive viewing and private content over public content.

For businesses, this change signals that it's time to review your 2018 social marketing strategy and rethink everything. Here's what you need to do to draw attention to your social media posts.


Written by Inspiretothrive
2219 days ago

Martin, I am not using Patreon and Meetup. What is your Twitter handle? I use @Lisapatb the most and @inspiretothrive limited since the new twitter rules.

Written by lyceum
2218 days ago


I will show you how to use Patreon and Meetup, if you want! ;)

My main Twitter handle: @Lyceum

I also have some usernames for my podcasts, e.g. @EgoNetCast

Written by Inspiretothrive
2220 days ago

Martin, TWITTER is still my favorite. I do also use and like LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook. You?

Written by lyceum
2219 days ago

Another comment: How about Pinterest? ;) I wonder how Google+ is doing?

Written by lyceum
2219 days ago

Lisa: Twitter is also my favorite. I enjoy Instagram and parts of Facebook. I will be more active on LinkedIn in the near future.

I will test out to find some new places that could support my branding, e.g., Quora and Medium.

Are you using Patreon and Meetup?

Written by Inspiretothrive
2220 days ago

I love this one David and I've always said don't just use Facebook and no other social network or blog along with it! Too many people have relied just on this one network over the years.

Written by lyceum
2220 days ago

Lisa: Which are your favorite social media networks at the moment?

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