Can Your Audience Relate to Your Brand?

Can Your Audience Relate to Your Brand?  - Avatar Posted by websuccessteam under Social Media
From 4141 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Bluesman on February 2, 2013 5:09 am
Do you want your brand to evoke an emotion when people hear its name? When people connect with your brand, they may not only buy it, they might also advocate for it! Here are some great tips on making your brand seem more human.


Written by websuccessteam
4133 days ago

I agree, laughter is always the best medicine. But trying to hard to be funny can actually ruin your branding efforts

Written by tcamba
4140 days ago

I do like a brand that has a sense of humor and actually care for their audience. I feel like I could connect with them on a more personal level.

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