Working for the Man Is Not Everything

Working for the Man Is Not Everything  - Avatar Posted by centralpawebster under Self-Development
From 3107 days ago
Made Hot by: centrifugePR on December 2, 2015 1:38 pm
Many are programmed to think like my parents did… go to school, get a degree and get a good job. I did all of those things and I was miserable.

Why can’t I work from home with a bigger vision for the future? Why not a collaboration of other people who want the same thing?


Written by lyceum
3104 days ago

Nathan: You are welcome! :) I look forward to your thoughts on the book.

Written by lyceum
3104 days ago

The book is written by Richard Preston. He describes the success story of Nucor.

Written by lyceum
3105 days ago

Bethlehem Steel Corporation is mentioned in the post. Have you read the book, American Steel? This is true entrepreneurial reading material.

Written by nsmeal
3105 days ago

Unfortunately no, I have not, but I have heard of it. I will most certainly add it to my 'must read' list! Thank you for mentioning!

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