Recent statistics say that depression is much more common than you might think. Here is a great informational video I found.

Tips on coping and thriving.


Written by businessavante
4733 days ago

Hi Rochelle.

Mental health issues have certainly come a long way in the last 50 years - from being shunned or locked-up in a true house of horrors, to the understanding we now see & accept. I well remember when they shut down the mental hospitals in the '70's - the source of some well-intentioned but misguided help, and much raw, sadistic abuse.


Written by Adam_Gottlieb
4733 days ago

"...I find it hard to believe that such an important video would have such few views"

When almost 40% of the population is struggling with depression, it could be that many people would rather watch happy, engaging, or silly distrations rather than being reminded of all the problems out there- including their own.

Written by profit613
4733 days ago

Sounds scary. I go to a counselor at school to deal with some issues and feelings and one thing they tell the students is there is no shame, especially to the overseas students who are far away from home and family.

Also, I'm sure the view counter is broken and stuck on 6. It's not moving and I find it hard to believe that such an important video would have such few views.


Written by saraib820
4733 days ago

Nice post. I find it amazing that something as informational as this gets 6 hits on youtube while a video of a guy falling off a skateboard and breaking his neck gets 5,000,000.

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