We Can’t Ignore Poor Performers!

We Can’t Ignore Poor Performers!  - http://partnersinexcellenceblog.com Avatar Posted by dabrock under Sales
From http://partnersinexcellenceblog.com 3930 days ago
Made Hot by: SJC on September 7, 2013 10:10 pm
Every organization has them, the bottom 20%, the people who are not meeting our expectations of performance.  They're a problem--for themselves, for their


Written by tcamba
3919 days ago

"We cannot ignore the poor performers, if we do, then we are performing poorly ourselves". True that!

Written by dabrock
3920 days ago

Actually no. I think we try to fit too many things into the 80/20 rule. As managers we are responsible for maximizing the performance of everyone in the organization. It means we have to deal with everyone, but not necessarily investing the same time, resources, and certainly not doing the same thing. With poor performers, we must get their performance up or get them out. They are a drain on the organization and we aren't doing them any favors by not addressing the performance issues.

Written by lyceum
3921 days ago

David: Is this another example of the 80/20 rule?

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