The Unforced Error Discount

The Unforced Error Discount - Avatar Posted by lyceum under Raising Capital
From 2760 days ago
Made Hot by: marketingvalue on November 13, 2016 2:37 pm
There are a lot of excellent blog posts and columns on start-up fundraising. Some of them even discuss the errors that founders make in the process of raising money. Having read a lot of them recently I think that they tend to focus on what I would call “forced errors” — mistakes that the founder had little choice but to make.
Increasingly, however, I have noticed that a lot of founders are making what I would call “unforced fundraising errors”. These are errors they could have avoided that make it more difficult for them to raise money, reducing their chances of getting investor capital or forcing them to take a lower valuation or worse terms than they could have had.


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