Fashionista, which broke the story, says: 'What’s disturbing about Jours Après Lunes is... that it’s lingerie for people who probably shouldn’t be old enough to even know what lingerie is.'


Written by businessavante
4679 days ago


What ever happened to common sense? It's cute when a little girl dresses in her mom's clothes because it completely innocent - not a marketing stunt to make a toddler look like Elvira. Who's going to buy their toddler lingerie??

Double YUCK!!

Written by saraib820
4679 days ago

It is pretty yucky. The article mentions photos that were too racy to show in the article itself. I can only imagine, with a queasy stomach.

Written by yoni67
4679 days ago

What shocks the crap out of me most is:

1) Some marketing genius thought this would be a really great idea

2) Ostensibly, this company has a board of directors which signed off on this wonderful idea

This is business douchebaggery at it's finest. Shameful.

Written by saraib820
4679 days ago

Admit it, you just wanted to use the word "ostensibly!"

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