If you need to fix content that is no longer accurate, it’s time for an update. If you want to take your content to the next level, it’s time for an upgrade.

Update or upgrade, it’s always a good time for a fresh coat of paint on your website content.


Written by pvariel
1802 days ago

Hi David what a timely or let me put it this way an Evergreen pot is this!

Yes an upgraded our updated post is very necessary, who wants to to read an outdated post? I am sure none. The need of the hour is the latest information, everyone wants to read the latest copy.

The tips you shared in this regard is worth following, I am going to implement it soon,

As thou mentioned, adding video or images is a great excuse to start promoting those pages again in social media. The time before us is the visual age, everyone likes to have visuals, of we lack this on our posts I am sure you lag behind.

Thanks Dave for this shout-out.

Hey Dave, this post is good but I still feel something is MISSING out here as per this post! LOL :-)

Yes you need to add few more images as well as videos in this post!!!

Best Regards


Written by amabaie
1785 days ago

Philip, I know you update a lot of your posts. I have seen that several times.

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