What Happened After I Closed Guest Post Submissions

What Happened After I Closed Guest Post Submissions - http://kikolani.com Avatar Posted by tiroberts under Online Marketing
From http://kikolani.com 3953 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on August 12, 2013 6:12 am
Curious about the difference between accepting guest posts and not? Here's the results, comparing eight months of traffic and subscriber data.


Written by stacieawalker
3937 days ago

Hi Ti,

Kristie is a jewel...so are you:) Thanks for sharing this. I'm surprised I hadn't read it yet. Anyway, I can relate. I cracked down on accepting guest post submissions by making the guidelines stricter. Right now, I'm in the process of only having a handful of regular contributing authors who dish out great content in areas that I'm not specialized in at the moment. I have received more subscribers and since I'm more engaged, my traffic has actually increased. I have to admit, it was nice have others contribute content while I focused on other things but my voice was starting to be flushed out completely. Not what I want. As always, I thank you for sharing your results.

To Your Success,

Stacie Walker

Written by tiroberts
3953 days ago

Awesome post, Kristie.

It’s interesting to see how your stats changed when you stopped accepting guest posts. It seems that your stats has stayed inline with what I would expect them to be.

You’re right, you are the first one I’ve seen to share “behind the scenes” of the change.

I’m glad to see that you’re back actively involved with your blog and creating content. I usually frequent blogs specifically for the blog owner and to read content from them; your’s in one that I visited often to check for content from you so I’m happy to see you back in action. :)


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