The Art Of Experience Marketing

The Art Of Experience Marketing  - Avatar Posted by CGonlineM under Online Marketing
From 4301 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Bluesman on August 27, 2012 2:54 am
Any avid e-followers will know that the word on the virtual street is 'experience', but what does that mean for businesses using online and offline platforms?


Written by denisefay
4301 days ago

Great article Christina. I loved your examples and I'm sure many readers will be reading them for the first time.

(I myself hadn't seen the Benetton ad).

Your advice is spot on - simplicity is key and it's the message that counts, not the tools.

Several business owners have contacted me recently and maybe it's something in the air, but they've been asking me about the tools they'd like to use. My advice is always stay true to your objectives and find out where your customers are. The tools will only help the conversation or experience.

Experience marketing is really where the marketing trend is turning.

Thanks for sharing.

Take care,


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