Have you ever thought about where you should spend your time on getting traffic to your website? I joked last week with Robert Caruso from Bundle Post on Twitter as some would say “Social is the New SEO”, but is it really? Have you thought about the differences between seo vs social media to drive traffic to your blog or website? Read more on the differences between the two methods.


Written by tiroberts
3936 days ago

I'm social media all the way. The more you focus on getting people engaging with your content the better. SEO will take flight as a result of that anyway. Thanks for sharing your insights with us, Lisa.

Written by sigbjorn
3936 days ago

I agree with everyone else writing before me. While Social Media is good at bringing visitors right now, SEO will keep bringing you visitors in the future. However, the best is both of them combined, not forgetting that working social media will have a positive effect on your search engine rankings!

Written by yourblogcoach
3937 days ago

i believe both are very important. But to me and from considering the google's aspect of judging, SEO is better. Also social media is very good as a source of traffic, but SEO's traffic last more longer than social media in your blog keeps coming to people's way as they search more...

Written by Inspiretothrive
3937 days ago

Yes, I would give SEO the edge as well. It does last longer thought not as long as it used to with all the Google updates and changes of late.

Written by johnfaust
3940 days ago

It is actually depends on the product or site's niche. If the website is about fashion it will get better traffics from search engine.

Written by Inspiretothrive
3940 days ago

Thanks John, yes, each niche is a little different.

Written by Ileane
3941 days ago

Hi Lisa,

You have done an excellent job of weighing the pros and cons on both sides of the fence. I can’t see using one without the other for my blog but I think social is way more interesting and certainly much more fun

Written by Inspiretothrive
3940 days ago

Thank you Ileane, yes Social is way more fun than analytics!

Written by bigmoneyweb
3942 days ago

SEO is the best for me Lisa, social media is certainly a great way of driving traffic to your blog but if you have a well optimized pages then, SEO is better. Thanks for sharing this with the bizsugar community.


Written by Inspiretothrive
3940 days ago

Yes, I would give SEO the edge over social anyday Val. Thank you for commenting.

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