There’s too much fear today about link building because of Google’s Penguin algo and Matt Cutts war on link spam – these have resulted in a flood of link removal requests with many SEOs and webmasters admitting fault and others left wondering what went wrong with a trusted business partner. It's time to out your fears of link building and start moving forward again!


Written by tiroberts
3586 days ago

Really great and informative article, Tom.

Written by tomshark
3583 days ago

Thanks Ti

Written by HeatherStone
3589 days ago


As small business owners, many of whom probably maintain a Web presence, I'm sure community members out there are probably saying to themselves, if SEO is so complex, how can I ever hope to make an impact? Your response?

Written by tomshark
3589 days ago

Hi Heather,

It's about taking baby steps, doing one thing at a time. Another way to do it is with an SEO coach if you want to get it done asap the right way.

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