Get More Website Links with Polls

Get More Website Links with Polls - Avatar Posted by HeatherStone under Online Marketing
From 4052 days ago
Made Hot by: Entrepreneurosaurus on May 2, 2013 12:50 am
Publishing polls on your business website is one way to attract higher amounts of inbound links and, as a result, traffic. Obviously, you'll want to create a poll on a topic your potential customers will find interesting or one blogs and websites that cater to your target customer would want to link to. For this to happen, blogger Steve Ollington insists you will need a poll with credibility. This may require contracting with a qualified pollster. You will also, of course, need to create polls that are interesting. Whether you can afford a pollster or not, this post should get you thinking about yet another kind of content that can help you market your small business site.


Written by arunii
4049 days ago

Polls provide great value to a blog and also provide a medium to visitors to share their opinion.

Written by lyceum
4049 days ago

How do you find a good poll toll. The bottom line is that you could almost "prove" anythings with stats from a poll, see the example in post about the survey by the Church of England. Luckily in this case, Richard Dawkins pointed out the flaws with the poll.

Written by Mentorship4U
4051 days ago

Nice share Heather. Thanks!

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