Hi everyone! The other day I wrote a post where I implored you to diversify your income. That led to someone asking me how I juggle that diversification. I know it can be overwhelming working on even one income stream – so I know what you’re thinking when I sit there and tell you to have between 3-5 or more businesses going at once.


Written by MarkT
3932 days ago

Hey Ti,

Great share. Very interesting case study and breakdown. I think it just goes to show if nothing else, there are plenty of ways to make money.

I like your "action tasks" concept. I actually do something very similar, but I also have take NO action tasks. which are a list of things I'm not to touch today. This keeps me from distracted with things like Gmail and helps me get stuff done.

Anyway, awesome share as always :)

- Mark T.

Written by bigmoneyweb
3957 days ago

A very inspirational post Tiffany. This is really one post we all need to read to keep us going and, I like reading case studies like this. Running an internet business is never an easy task especially when you have to deal with more than 1 but yet, nothing is as good as diversification. Thanks for sharing this with the bizsugar community.


Written by tiroberts
3958 days ago

Very inspirational post/video, Tiffany. I love how open and transparent you are about your business and the work that you do.

It can be rather challenging to juggle all that goes into running a successful blog business. Sometimes I feel like it's more difficult than having a regular 9 to 5 job.

However, I am madly in love with what I do and I wouldn't change it for the world.

To keep my self on track I've laid out a strict daily schedule for myself; it includes running my blog full-time, working part-time (which I do from home), and taking college courses online full-time.

My schedule is filled with specific "action tasks" that I do my best to complete before I hit the sack at night. This helps me tremendously with my productivity and keeps me sane. :)

This isn't my first time visiting your blog, Tiffany; however this is my first time leaving a comment on your blog. I just wanted to say that the content and info you're putting out is world class. I really appreciate all the effort that you put into helping us.

Again, great post, Tiff; I'll be sure to share it with my social circle.

Keep the great content coming and I look forward to connecting with you more soon. :)


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