Facebook is one of the quickest ways to send a typhoon of traffic storming to your website. With it being one of the most active social networking sites on the planet and boasting over 750 Million active users, Facebook is a great way to gain more exposure, build your authority and ultimately attract more subscribers to your list.

While Facebook can prove to be the fairy Godmother of free social traffic, it can quickly turn into a time sucking leach… Slowly draining your productivity into an endless black hole of “liking” various irrelevant FB posts and sharing yet another cool and inspiring quote that’s not really helping your bottom line.


Written by tiroberts
3767 days ago

I definitely agree. Spamming is not cool. It's all about building relationships when it comes to marketing on social networks.

Written by imekas
4261 days ago

Interesting post!!!

Written by tcamba
4265 days ago

Just be sure to don't spam your fans and friends. That's what I hate most when it comes to some marketers facebook.

Written by tiroberts
4264 days ago

I definitely agree. Spamming is not cool. It's all about building relationships when it comes to marketing on social networks.

Written by ricoramiro
4266 days ago

Very comprehensive. You'll save a lot of time on FB if you follow her 7 step routine.

Written by tiroberts
4266 days ago

Hi Ramiro, glad you found my routine helpful :)

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