A significant number of entrepreneurs try to make their mark in the food industry.

Check out this infographic for some insights on the food service market!


Written by Sian Phillips
4322 days ago

Love the Infographic. I grew up in the hotel/restaurant business and wish we'd known all this back in those days. Thanks for sharing on Bizsugar.com

Written by denisefay
4322 days ago

Hi Art,

Thanks for sharing this. I didn't see it. I work with a number of restaurants here in Ireland and it's interesting to compare US with Ireland. Local produce is very popular here - both with chefs cooking with it and consumers looking for it.

Thanks for sharing that interesting failure rate stats. While not 90%, it is still high. It's always a shame when a restaurant closes.

Using this infographic, maybe entrepreneurs turned food entrepreneurs can learn something.

Thanks for sharing here at bizsugar.com.

Take care,


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