Yes, you also need a mobile version of your websitesite. Mobile isn’t coming, it’s here. The numbers are staggering, 3.6 billion people around the world use mobile devices. 500,000 android devises are activated every day and as of December 2011 50% of Americans had a smartphone. Mobile is growing faster than any technology before. And perhaps most importantly, mobile sites impact sales.

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Written by HeatherStone
4350 days ago

More and more we're seeing the importance of having a mobile friendly Website. The best argument? The audience on smart phones is growing and it's probably an audience you want to reach.

Written by YWD
4350 days ago

I completely agree with you Heather. The smartphone adoption rate is unprecedented and the use of them is not just when you are on the go. More and more we reach to our pocket to find something on our phone.

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