Some great tips on how to better optimize your profile on LinkedIn for SEO. These all look easy to implement, many are common sense.


Written by tiroberts
4128 days ago

These are some great tips. I rarely ever use LinkedIn although I know it can be great for making connections, building relationships and bringing in more business. LinkedIn is a platform I can't seem to really get into. I may attempt to delve deeper into it's inner workings sometime soon. Thanks for sharing this with us on BizSugar.


Written by HeatherStone
4133 days ago

Hi Richard,

These are some great pieces of advice, but I'm not sure sneaky is the right word. They are great solutions for boosting the SEO of your LinkedIn profile and getting more views. Thanks to Glen Craig for sharing this post with the BizSugar community.

Written by Sian Phillips
4135 days ago

Some handy tips Richard. LinkedIn is definitely getting more user friendly. Thanks for sharing on

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