Gas Station Marketing For BP Stations

Gas Station Marketing For BP Stations  - Avatar Posted by jsternal under Marketing
From 5099 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on June 17, 2010 4:28 pm
BP gas station owners are turning towards marketing to help commuters better understand that their money isn't going towards the large oil company responsible for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Gas station marketing has always been a strategy filled with opportunity because there are so many independently owned units.


Written by alinisrael
5099 days ago

Yoni. Thanks for pointing out John's BP story! Just Voted!


Written by yoni67
5099 days ago

My pleasure! Always happy to recommend a great piece!

Written by yoni67
5099 days ago

My vote for best, most interesting and relevant post of the day! Check out JSternal's great BP article...

Written by saraib820
5099 days ago

Thank you John Sternal for posting this amazing, eye-opening article. It was a very thought provoking read!


Written by 9devon9
5099 days ago

Great article Mr Sternal and timely too! Devon

Written by globalcopywrite
5100 days ago

I can think of no greater marketing challenge at the moment. BP is going to have to connect on a human level with their audience. Facebook and Twitter is a great start.

Written by yoni67
5100 days ago


This is really a fascinating article in many respects! Firstly, it is very educational to read that most of the stations are indeed independent; something which you wouldn't assume. Second is the owners' fear of being associated with the spill. Thirdly, and perhaps most interesting, is the lengths they are going to to distance and dissociate themselves with BP; Imagine gas station owners having Twitter and Facebook campaigns to get their message out! Truly a 21st century phenomenon! Thanks for a great read!


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