How To Spot The Bot: Are Fake Reviews Harming Businesses?

How To Spot The Bot: Are Fake Reviews Harming Businesses? - Avatar Posted by erikemanuelli under Global
From 2901 days ago
Made Hot by: namaserajesh on June 29, 2016 2:54 pm
It’s well known that these days, online customer reviews are one of the first things a potential buyer peruses when deciding whether or not to make a purchase. But customer reviews are also becoming increasingly unreliable, and buyers more savvy in their ability to spot fake reviews. Every company needs solid, trusted reviews, and onsite conversions in order to compete.

Do you know that fake reviews are harming businesses?

Instead, there's a way to generate valuable user-generated reviews, with trust built in and more customer engagement.


Written by tiroberts
2897 days ago

I can't stand bot reviews.

Written by VirtualBren
2901 days ago

How awesome is this! IT's really a shame that that people can be paid to give "good" reviews. What about the bad? I know for a fact, that isn't allowed. I'm glad to hear that there is now a company out there being proactive about it and cracking down on this. Thanks for the good read.

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