Do TV Ads Still Matter? #infographic

Do TV Ads Still Matter? #infographic - Avatar Posted by SaadAhmadkhan under Advertising
From 3688 days ago
Made Hot by: profmarketing on April 30, 2014 4:44 pm
While the Internet is a big part of our lives, it’s a get-in-and-get-out medium, whereas TV is more of an experience. And if people are allowing themselves to be immersed in TV, then that’s a place where your advertising dollars can have a huge impact. Check it out:


Written by tiroberts
3686 days ago

Awesome article. Honestly, I don't think that TV ads really matter at all anymore. I DVR almost all of the shows I want to watch on TV and whenever it gets to the commercials, I always fast forward them.

Written by bigmoneyweb
3688 days ago

The internet has already taken over everything though, T.V ads are still good but its no longer as effective as it use to be back in the days. Thanks for sharing this with the bizsugar community.


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