Sudeep voted on the following stories on BizSugar

In this #TYBCommunity round-up we share a few posts about Facebook newsfeed changes, Social tools, content creation, Twitter conversations, press releases, web visitors and lots more. Read on to find out how you can contribute and help make these updates even better. Read More
Are you thinking of how to generate more online traffic for your website? Well, here is a smart tip that can help you obtain more than just traffics. Read More
There is no doubt that Twitter was right in making the decision to acquire Vine, back in the year 2012. Now this was even before the six seconds video-making app was released , i.e. in 2013. If you take a second to wonder why Vine gained so much attention from Twitter, it won’t even take you six se Read More
Before deciding to read this topic, ask yourself first – What are the things you wished were there in your last visit to a shopping site?

Should there have been more scope for interaction? Should there have been a price comparison facility? Did the web design communicate what it promised to sell Read More
Did you know your web design could generate you more leads if only you had the perfect plan? Well, the average percentage conversion that a general ecommerce website could earn is approximately 1% per day. If you make a proper plan before you get down with your designer, then you could generate app Read More

How To Enhance Your Social Traffic Using Vine Social Media?

How To Enhance Your Social Traffic Using Vine Social Media? - Avatar Posted by sudeep under Online Marketing
From 3485 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on November 24, 2014 5:57 am
Six seconds! is all you have got, to change your brand’s position in the online world. You have only got six seconds! No more and no less than that. How do you utilize this strong free video sharing potential app, provided by Twitter, to make your marketing strategy a social success? Read More
After witnessing the latest Panda roll-out of 4.1, SEOs and other website analysts have finally seen the most awaited change, after almost year. On 17th October, Google released the new 3.0 Penguin update and this new roll-out, impacts only one percent of the search query, as compared to the 3.1 pe Read More
Website marketing is not just about contents, advertisements, software for competitive search engine optimization and receiving valuable back links. To start with how your website stands out from the crowd on its own, have you ever thought whether your site has been properly groomed or not? Whether Read More
For some time now, we all have noticed a significant change in Google’s search engine result page. Google is seen to produce answer boxes for any kind of query, be it a map, a graph, contact number details, the Big G has answer to anything you type for.

What is interesting, is that Google tries Read More
The most recent introduction and update of Google’s Panda 4.0 and the new answer box, reflects that the internet world will soon turn into a critical place, where SEO and strong social network strategies will not be enough. While the SEO team will try to find out new ways to reach the top, producin Read More

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