Lykawinnett voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Robots.txt File, otherwise known as “Robots Exclusion Protocol or Robot Exclusion Standard“, is a regular text (not html) file that you put on your site, specifically in your root directory, which will instruct search engine spiders or robots which web page of files in your website should be indexe Read More
Google Panda Update is the latest search engine algorithm that is aimed to help user's find high quality sites in Google's search engine results by reducing the rankings of low-quality content. It is also aimed to improve a user's search engine experience as it reduces the page rank of low quality Read More
An SEO Blog that features latest news and updates about Search Engine Optmisation, latest update of Google on its search engine algorithm and more... Read More
Recently this week, Google has launched a new feature for its Google Chrome browser that is aimed to help users find their desired search results even faster and in some instances, instantly. This Google Chrome browser search tool is called Instant Pages. Read More
Meta Description provides a short description of the page and in some situations this description is commonly used by search engines to display preview snippets for a given page shown on search result page. Search engines like Google often prefer to display meta descriptions of pages (when availabl Read More
Every file existing on the World Wide Web, may it be a web page, web site or our mail online, can be recognized and accessed through its corresponding URL. Standing for Uniform Resource Locator, a URL is a formatted text string utilized by web browsers to identify files on the Internet. Generally, Read More
SEOmoz has recently released once again its new version of the Search Ranking Factors survey for 2011. Released every two years since 2005, the content of the Search Ranking Factors survey has been used and referenced by many search engine optimisation experts and SEO companies alike in the SEO wor Read More
Google generally defines Duplicate Content as “substantive blocks of content within or across domains that either completely matches other content or are appreciably similar”. There are many tips suggested by Google itself and other search engine optimization companies in order to avoid Duplicate C Read More
Google Local Business Listing, also commonly known as Google Places, enables business owners to create a free listing for their business in Google. It gets your business be FEATURED FREELY in Google's search engine results for various keyword phrases in your local area, as well as your business nam Read More
Winning is always a good feeling. These contests and awards are selected every other week because they can motivate you to greater success. Take a look. Read More

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