RudiStoker voted on the following stories on BizSugar

App title and description are most important for app ranking. Here is the guide to write the perfect app title and app description to increase app downloads.
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Google is now allowing developers to create conversation actions for the Google Assistant that can be used by Google Home owners.
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There are many Node.js frameworks available that help you build real time & scalable web applications. Here are top reasons why Sails.js is the best Node.js web framework.
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Take a look at the common challenges that app developers encounter during wearable app development and what they should try to avoid.
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Some important things you should take into account when integrating payment gateway in a mobile app.
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The quality of the beta phase can dictate whether or not an app will be successful. Follow these tips for app beta testing that can help you get the desired outcome.
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Mobile apps have the potential of boosting any business. Here are some ways to empower your business with mobile application.
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Wireframe is a blueprint of future mobile app. Here are the importance of wireframes and how massive their impact is on the overall development of a mobile app.
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Ionic is the most popular cross-platform development framework for building hybrid mobile apps. Here is top reasons why Ionic 2 is the future of app development.
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Here is the list of professional insights and considerations that will assist you take your mobile app startup business a notch above your rivals.
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