These stories submitted by Seansupplee will be featured BizSugar's homepage

This list is from my own personal experience. It takes into account the years of affiliate marketing and running my own business into account. It also takes in account program value, usefulness and commission. Read More
Marketing automation may seem new to you but I bet you are currently using it in some form already. In general marketing automation is all about taking daily tasks and systems within your business and automating them to save time, money and create a better customer experience. If done correctly you Read More
As a blogger you may have noticed the last few years that traffic from SEO has dropped off and that you just don’t get the same exposure as you once use to.

Things have changed and one of the key ways to adapt to this and continue building a strong blog is by creating giveaways on your blog. Read More
It is where you connect a giveaway with a brand or company with your own. Most of the time you split the prize cost so you can offer something bigger or for free (the partnered site offers the product at no cost). Read More
A giveaway is only as good as the plan behind it. In this post I am going to cover the blueprint I created for planning my giveaways so you can use it to run your next successful giveaway. Read More
I signed up with a marketing automation software called Tailwind and after months of use I wanted to create my review on it. Down below is a video going over how I use this free marketing automation tool for my Instagram marketing and Pinterest marketing. Read More
Running your own blog is an awesome step to providing value to others and to start building your reputation online.

It is one of the first building blocks to creative passive income online. But with so many blogs and a new domain it can be hard to get it to rank. This is where a giveaway could b Read More
With strong competition you need a way to make your business stand out.

Yes you might have a better product or offer a better service but word of mouth can travel slowly.

A giveaway could be the right fit for you to get more reviews for your business, offer great value to your existing and po Read More
One of the most important things you can add into your businesses sales funnel is the one click upsell. The one click upsells allows you to promote other offers after the first order form has been created. These stand alone OTO or One time offer pages then present an upsell or a downsell to your ne Read More
This is the most recent list of the top 10 giveaway websites. These sites are designed to keep you updated and organized with the best giveaways, contests and sweepstakes currently going on. Read More

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