While browsing the web for small business ideas and tips, I discover a resource that is fascinating: The DaVinci Method that can better your as an entrepreneur.


Written by andrea.chensten
4924 days ago

Interesting method and very nice tip there from Garret. To fail fast can be hard to imagine and experienced, much more to overcome it quickly and move on. But he has a good point there. If we fail fast, we don't waste time and can already move on the next business that can generally return all the loses.

Written by saraib820
5085 days ago


I also agree that the "fail fast" is a good idea. If the field is not for you, get out quickly and try something else. it's also why it is so beneficial to give it a trial run before starting. that way you can avoid sinking tons of money into a non-successful enterprise.


Written by ivanpw
5082 days ago


Well said - however, just a thought: What about sinking tons of money itself as a great learning experience? It's quite an experience, really :)

Written by m4bmarketing
5086 days ago

Hi Ivan,

One question for you. How is this method any different or better than others on the market? I couldn't see anything on his website. Of course i may have missed the section.

I had not heard of this before so thanks for bringing it to our attention


Written by ivanpw
5082 days ago


Honestly speaking, I haven't tried much of such personal development tools, but The DaVinci Method is basically "awakening the beast within you" - identify your strengths and "capitalise" on them - pretty much Tony Robbins kind of personal development.

Written by yoni67
5086 days ago


I thoroughly enjoyed your DaVinci Method article. I especially like the part about "fail fast." It reminds me of a chapter in my life when I began studying to be a computer programmer. It was fairly obvious to me after a moth that I didn't have the aptitude for programming. The school kept saying, Keep at it you'll get it." I was terrible but thjey kept stringing me along. Failing fast (which I did) would have saved me time and a lot of money. Instead I listened to others and it cost me thousands upon thousands of dollars. Failing fast is a good thing...it is an indicator to try something else.


Written by ivanpw
5082 days ago


"Failing fast (which I did) would have saved me time and a lot of money" - This explains the whole idea about failing fast :)


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