This article at The Blog Herald talks about how to hire a professional blogger and this can be an increasingly important consideration in business marketing today. As a professional blogger, I must admit I am a bigger fan of paying bloggers per post and word count than by so-called performance measurements mentioned in the article. This is not so much because I believe good bloggers cannot measure up if held to performance standards. Rather it is the reverse. My belief is that it is important to focus on content first and this is what I would focus on when hiring a professional blogger myself. Traffic, comments, even inbound links can be fudged often with little or no indication to you that anything is wrong and sometimes to the detriment of your Website if these shortcuts for boosting traffic result in downgrading from search engines. There is no substitute for good steady quality content and paying for this instead of traffic numbers is the surest path to developing a REAL audience translating to real customers for your business.


Written by ShawnHessinger
5388 days ago


What it generally comes down to is the expectations of the person doing the hiring...and to some degree the skill of the blogger. Following some advice ProBlogger Darren Rowse once shared in a post, if you "link like crazy" to other blogs with similar context to your post and, as many other bloggers have suggested, blog consistently (a certain number of times a week often on the same days and try to post at about the same time so readers come to anticipate the schedule), your blog should grow organically. BUT bloggers who can promise a certain amount of traffic on a certain schedule should be treated with some suspicion. After all how can they guarantee an exact number of readers? Isn't this the reason some online ads are now performance based? AND employers who wish to hire bloggers on a certain click through rate without taking into consideration all of the other less tangible benefits of having someone blogging for you (like increased page rank from relevant links) is probably just trying to get off cheap or to avoid paying all together.

Written by CindyKing
5390 days ago

Shawn, I appreciated reading both the article and your comments. I have not yet been hired as a professional blogger, but I have started guest posting and aiming for bigger and better blogs to guest post on. I assume many of these points also apply for getting top spots as a guest blogger.

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