We are all swimming among millions of bloggers online today. We all want our content to stand out. Want to know how to get noticed in a sea of bloggers?


Written by tiroberts
3365 days ago

Wonderful tips for candidate selection. Referrals work especially coming from expert referees conversant with your business with understanding of what you need.

Written by tiroberts
3815 days ago

Hi Adrienne,

It’s been a while since I’ve dropped by and left a comment, glad to see you’re still shooting it from the hip. :)

You brought up some really important points here. I think that the biggest thing that we need to remember is to be consistent and to persist.

Blogging is one of those things that takes a lot of patience, and even when you feel like it’s not working, you have to remind yourself that blogging is a marathon, not a race.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to give up on blogging and the entire internet marketing thing all together because I felt like I wasn’t making any leeway. And to be honest, even though I’ve come a long way since I started, there’s some days where I still feel like dropping the ball, but I know that I can’t and I won’t. I love blogging too much and even though it takes a lot of hard work, I really can’t see myself doing anything else.

The one thing that I try to focus on to stand out is the people I’m connecting with. If I can remember that there’s actual real life, living, breathing people behind all of the unique visits, comments and views my content gets, it keeps me motivated to keep pushing forward.

Thanks so much for the inspiration and motivation you always share. You’re one of the rare authentic bloggers I look up to and I’m grateful for that. :)

I’ll see ya’ around,


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