Himangim voted on the following stories on BizSugar

So when you are planning your program, stand back, take a look at how it's setup and check to see that it fits the goal of lead nurturing and isn't whats its not supposed to be. Read More
There is often a debate on whether marketers should focus on developing and cleaning their existing data or spend more time and budget acquiring new data? Get Answer Here, interview of Ardath Albee, CEO of Marketing Interactions Read More
Want to run company's sales and marketing machine efficiently? Have a look on these series of simple, small tips. Read More
Advantage of having a strong lead qualification process in place. Why? Read Here. Read More
B2B marketing database management like any other function of an organization has it's own language and its own terms peculiar to those who use them and sound greek to those who don't. Data-speak is what you can call it! No matter how vague or complicated any of these words may seem, they all have very simple explanations and anyone can learn how t Read More
“Well ofcourse you should strike while a lead is hot—isn't that way too obvious a statement to make?”, you might be thinking. However in practice, it isn't always followed by companies even those equipped with state-of-the-art lead nurturing technology. Read More
Here are several sales training podcasts worth listening to. Read More
With all the gloom and doom on the air these days, thank god for podcasts. I find that I can lift my mood, improve my skills and be more productive by listening to some great podcasts available to all. Here are some samples of what is playing in my car and on my runs these days. Read More

Sales Excellence Podcast - Episode 4 : Lead Nurturing

Sales Excellence Podcast - Episode 4 : Lead Nurturing - http://www.sales-excellence.co.uk Avatar Posted by ianbrodie under Sales
From http://www.sales-excellence.co.uk 5511 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 1, 2009 8:08 pm
n most businesses, between 70-80% of your leads are long term. They're potential clients who pass all your qualifying criteria - but they're just not ready to buy right now. Ideally, you want to begin to build a relationship with these potential clients so that when the time is right to buy, you're in the front of their mind. Unfortunately, Read More
A blog post discussing the importance of online marketing to offline marketing and vice versa. If you think doing one in isolation is enough, this article may make you re-think your approach. Read More

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