PASjonathan voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Have you ever wondered what storytelling has to do with marketing? It turns out that—for incredible success when selling a brand—telling a compelling story is key. In fact, storytelling should be at the heart of a company’s marketing efforts, and nobody knows this better than Disney. Read More
There are only two reasons for real businesses being without competition, even for a short time:
1st is that your business or product is so new, so innovative, that nobody else can duplicate it.
2nd is a fatal flaw that others know and you don’t: it’s not a good enough business to attract others Read More
We all set goals in our personal lives: how much money we want to save, where we want our lives to be in five or 10 years.

Even though, as entrepreneurs, we’ve taken on big risks to start new businesses, the surprising truth is that we’re really not very good at goal setting at all. Read More
Here's our list of six strategies and tactics real estate agents use to bring in additional revenue, or to maximize their current revenue. From becoming a broker to flipping houses, we’re sure there’s at least one you’ll find useful. Read More
Do you know where to go online to continue your real estate education? Do you know which sites are the best for keeping on top of industry trends? We’ve collated the sites, tools, and blogs that come highly recommended by agents and brokers alike. Read More

Where Did the 8-Hour Workday Go? - LivePlan Blog

Where Did the 8-Hour Workday Go? - LivePlan Blog  - Avatar Posted by PASjonathan under Human Resources
From 2900 days ago
Made Hot by: thelastword on June 27, 2016 8:47 pm
On the surface, the 8-hour workday is the accepted norm across North America and in many countries around the world, but is this the way people really work? With a global shift into the age of technology, this question is more valid than ever. Here’s why. Read More
Instead of just having to guess at your key business numbers, you can look at industry standards before you put your budget together. Industry benchmarks can help you figure out what percentage of your sales most companies spend on marketing and what your margin should be on every sale. Read More
The competitive matrix is important in a business plan for several reasons. First, it’s a great input for strategy and looking ahead. Second, it can develop and explain positioning. Third, it is one of the most obvious, strategic visuals that business plan readers expect. Read More
The agricultural equipment market is very competitive and you can easily find the information you need to select the right machines for your property. All it takes is preparation: understand and evaluate your farming business requirements, research the available machinery, and compare your options. Read More
For decades, we’ve viewed Monday as the "Worst Day Ever." However, there are other days that are much worse. I propose something controversial: Tuesday—and even Thursday—take this not so coveted accolade.

But, on which day are we most productive? The answer might surprise you.

Read More

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