Atum voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Every company offers 'support', but how can you be sure you're getting what you need and what you are paying for?

Some Tips to help you navigate through the 'support promises'. Read More
Why is it that people tend to think that using big words and complicated sentences make them sound smarter?

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How do I get a journalist’s attention and convince them to cover my project or people?

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“We don’t have a choice on whether we do social media, the question is how well we do it.”– Erik Qualman. So, how well do you do it? Read More
Atum puts their customers above all. We pride ourselves on our unusually high retention rate and can’t stress enough that customer loyalty is the key to success. Essentially, especially with smaller marketing budgets, customer loyalty comes from building online communities and can be a richly rewar Read More

Your company’s marketing is reliant on technology

Your company’s marketing is reliant on technology  - Avatar Posted by Atum under Marketing
From 4868 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on February 9, 2011 9:44 pm
Technology is an important piece in the puzzle and is significant to a smooth running marketing and IT infrastructure.
Marketing doesn’t work efficiently if you don’t have the proper technology to support your initiatives. The process needs to be effective, where the results can be organized in a Read More
There is much value in “corporate blogging” because it not only allows to engage your audience and offers value to your website visitors, but it also works in your favour of increasing search engine optimization and traffic to your website.

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It’s easier and less expensive to expand and enhance current relationships than bring in new ones. Loyal customers buy more. And more often. Here’s some tried-and-true tactics that Atum has used to keep their customers happy, prospects interested and business flourishing.

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By popular topic demand, we thought we’d share some holiday party etiquette that is based on experience. After all, us geeks sure know how to party and we’d like to make sure this isn’t you the next day. Read More
Selecting the right managed hosting provider for your SAAS solution is a lengthy process. If your entire business and software solution is cloud based and depends on your hosting provider, you don’t want to take any risks. Each SaaS is different, so it is important to ensure that you are partnering Read More

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