Jennherman31 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Instagram's new in-app editing tools will allow you to edit photos for multiple aspects including saturation, shadows & highlights, contrast, warmth, and more! You can also adjust the intensity of each filter! These tools will make your photos look amazing! Read More
I was joking around with a friend the other day. We were laughing at things that average social media users will never have the torture of understanding. We giggled at the funny names people come up with for job titles. But it got me thinking. And so here you have: 25 signs you work in social media Read More
A frequent challenge social media experts are always battling how everyone can "learn everything" they need through Google. But in all reality, Google can't compete with a social media expert. There's a reason these people can charge for what they do and a reason you should pay for it. Read More
If Instagram’s not working for you, it might be the types of images you’re sharing. Instagram users love good images. Not a decent image. We’re talking awesome images. There are a lot of factors that contribute to a great image and I cover the majority of them in this post and show you examples. Read More
If you want quality profile photos but don't want to pay a photographer a ton of money to take your photos, I give you a ton of tips to use only your smartphone (and maybe Instagram) to do it yourself! There is a lot to consider, but I've got you covered! Read More

Who Should You Follow on Twitter? - Jenn's Trends

Who Should You Follow on Twitter? - Jenn's Trends - Avatar Posted by jennherman31 under Social Media
From 3657 days ago
Made Hot by: techmedia on May 30, 2014 12:43 am
One of the keys to success on Twitter is knowing who to follow and making good use of those connections. Here I recommend the types of people you should follow on Twitter and how to keep them organized. Read More
As much fun as Instagram is for sharing photos and seeing other great images, it’s also a very powerful tool for businesses. I was honored to be invited to recently host a webinar specifically on how to drive traffic with Instagram. Here's the webinar recap and the SlideShare slides. Read More
One of the most efficient ways to support someone professionally is to give them a recommendation on LinkedIn. But if you aren't comfortable writing a well-formatted recommendation, you may be hesitating to share them. Here are my tips to help you create effective LinkedIn recommendations. Read More
One of the most common questions I get about Instagram is how to use hashtags on Instagram. Especially if you’re using Instagram for your business, it’s imperative that you have a well formulated hashtag strategy. Here's everything you need to know to use hashtags successfully. Read More
Experiencing the wildfires in San Diego this week, I witnessed first hand how drastically social media has changed how we react to natural disasters. Social media has forever changed how we receive public communications and personal updates. Read More

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