When building an online persona and brand usually we start with the most basic aspects including over arching brand, logo, colors, core messages etc. All of these are foundational to success. We develop our plan, develop our platform, create and launch our brand presence, integrate social with our business goals and start the social media engagement.


Written by tcamba
4174 days ago

Without trust, there is not even a chance for building a lasting relationship. You do not like to be cheated or to feel taken advantage of. This is why, honesty is still the best policy.

Written by tiroberts
4174 days ago

It's important when building a business online that you establish creditably as quickly as possible. You've mentioned several great ways to do that. Each individual has a specific way that will work best for them, it's just a matter of finding out what it is and sticking to it. I started building my creditably online via doing in depth traffic case studies on my blog and showing my social interactions with influencers in my niche. This worked incredibly well for helping me build an following and authority very quickly. Thanks for sharing your insights on this topic with our bizsugar community. I appreciate it!


Written by NanoTechnologyMedia
4175 days ago

This is quite spot on. I think authenticity goes a long way when it come to social media.

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