Your lack of progress may be because you’re not focused on what will propel you forward. The problem is, you’re seeking out a short cut; a magic pill.


Written by tiroberts
3094 days ago

In regards the the simplicity principle: All of my squeeze pages are very simple and plan; some would consider them old school and outdated. However, they convert extremely well.

Written by tiroberts
3514 days ago

In regards the the simplicity principle: All of my squeeze pages are very simple and plan; some would consider them old school and outdated. However, they convert extremely well.

Written by bigmoneyweb
3973 days ago

Really interesting, the truth is that nowadays, everyone really want to be rich but, most people are too lazy to do those things that will make them rich. they will always be mistaking activity for achievement and at the end, they will still find themselves at the same place and level. If you really want to get some better then, you must also do something better. Thanks for sharing this with the bizsugar community.


Written by tiroberts
3973 days ago

Fantastic post, Gary; very detailed indeed.

I stopped looking for the magic and silver bullet methods a while ago. I've learned that simplicity really is the best when it comes to invoking the desired action. And that quality is certainly does trump quantity.

In regards the the simplicity principle: All of my squeeze pages are very simple and plan; some would consider them old school and outdated. However, they convert extremely well. Usually at 50%. So, yes, I totally agree that simplicity out preforms all the "bells and whistles" and flashing lights.

Concerning Danny's guest posting campaign, I'm definitely in agreeance with it.

In my first five months after I relaunched my blog last year, I published 3 guest posts. These were all *unsolicited* guest posts from 3 top bloggers in my niche, Including Ana Hoffman of Traffic Generation Cafe. And they were a result of the solid business building principles, principles that tie right into Cobert Barr's Epic Shit.

I focused on writing insanely valuable content, content that you would expect people to pay for and I gave it all away for free on my blog. In efforts to promote my content, I did A LOT of networking and reaching out to other bloggers' in my niche, including becoming an active participant their community by leaving a high amount of quality comments on their blog posts.

This resulted in the those top bloggers engaging with me, noticing my content and asking me to guest post for them.

So I can attest that these principals that you speak of do indeed work for all bloggers in any niche.

Again, this is a really fantastic post, Gary; thanks for taking the time to write it up and share it with us.

I'll be sure to share it with my social circle.

I look forward to connecting with you more soon.


Written by AmyJordan
3973 days ago

Awesome post; thanks for sharing! :)

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