Blogging Is Dead.

Blogging Is Dead.  - Avatar Posted by channelship under Marketing
From 4748 days ago
Made Hot by: HomeBusinessMedia on June 6, 2011 9:29 pm
How many of you have heard the expression Blogging is Dead! It was first raised in answer to a question in ReadWriteWeb back in 2007 and has since been revisited in various news publications and blog posts on a yearly basis


Written by MMarquit
4744 days ago

Blogging is dead. Long live blogging!

Written by yoni67
4744 days ago


I don't think blogging is dead, I just think with a finite set of things to blog about, many people are falling into a rut and blogging about the same tired old subjects.

Personally, if I see a title "How to Use Social Media to..." I don't even bother clicking. Been there, done that! Now everyday it seems to be "SEO, Black hat or White Hat?" ad-nauseum.

Bloggers will need to be creative and unique to survive. But blogging in general won't die.


Written by businessavante
4747 days ago

Funny, Anne!

If it's dead, how come I read over 80 blogs on BizSugar the day this was posted? (kidding)


Written by lyceum
4747 days ago

The blog is your hub and it could have an important role in your social media activities.

Written by nialldevitt
4748 days ago

Hi Anne, I think it's clear from the stats that blogging is far from dead, and that if you are a business that doesn't blog, you are now in the minnority. That said, it's still a significant number that don't, so perhaps an interesting question is why don't these businesses blog even in spite of the evidence above?

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