The Four Types of Digital Marketer

The Four Types of Digital Marketer - Avatar Posted by logistico under Technology
From 4156 days ago
Made Hot by: HeatherStone on January 20, 2013 8:37 am
If you are the chief marketing officer (CMO) of a consumer-oriented business — for example, a food manufacturer or a retail bank with a credit card offering — your long-established efforts to reach customers may have come into question over the past few years. Digital media have changed the advertising and marketing ecosystem; social networks, broadband infrastructure, and new forms of online and offline data collection have transformed the relationships among companies and their customers. But only a few CMOs have fully caught up with these trends. Most companies do not yet have the kinds of capabilities in digital marketing that they need in order to fully engage with customers today.


Written by johnfaust
4114 days ago

Good point out there. My first time to learn that digital marketer are now group in 4 major categories.

Written by bigmoneyweb
4156 days ago

With these four types of digital marketers, Companies that make the deep strategic, organizational, and operational shifts required to become effective digital marketers can become more agile, more productive, and accelerate revenue growth. thanks for sharing.

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