Sannwood voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Google and other directories allow businesses to have multiple listings and optimize each listing for a specific location. Whether your small business is opening up its second store or its one hundredth store, learning how to manage multiple local listings to dominate local search (and prevent dupl Read More
OSHA could be planning to increase its penalties dramatically in 2016. The increase, assuming it comes, could represent the first change in penalties in 25 years. Read More
Kira Wampler of Lyft shares with us why she prefers to think of marketing in terms of experiences, and why it’s critically important for her to communicate with as many customers as possible. Read More

5 Branding Mistakes that Can Lead to Expensive Legal Trouble

5 Branding Mistakes that Can Lead to Expensive Legal Trouble - Avatar Posted by sannwood under Marketing
From 3062 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on January 16, 2016 9:31 pm
Your business has a brand. It might have multiple brands, and each of those brands has the potential to become extremely valuable intellectual property. However, if you don’t protect your brands with trademarks, you could find yourself in very expensive legal trouble in the future. Read More

20 of the Weirdest Services Out There

20 of the Weirdest Services Out There - Avatar Posted by sannwood under Startups
From 3062 days ago
Made Hot by: luvhealthcare on January 18, 2016 9:07 pm
Are you thinking about starting a service business, but afraid your idea is too weird? Well, you’re not alone. Plenty of entrepreneurs have made it big with ideas that sounded weird at the time. Here are some recent service businesses that are making it work with weird ideas. Read More
Time and again, American enterprises have blamed slow Internet speeds for hurting their business. Luckily, the situation seems to be improving now — even though the United States has a lot of catching up to do.
According to the FCC’s 2015 Measuring Fixed Broadband America report, Internet speeds h Read More
In a bid to improve the way New Yorkers communicate, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced last week that the entire city of New York will be connected by WiFi by the end of this year.
The initiative would include the New York subway system, which is the world’s largest. The New York subway WiFi plan is sai Read More
Large cities are often the mecca of the tourism industry. Every year people from all over the world travel to see attractions like the Statue of Liberty or the Golden Gate Bridge. However, something interesting is happening in the world of tourism — the flourishing of small town destinations that a Read More
If your content is the bones of your website, the audience is its blood. It pumps life through your website, keeping it alive and thriving.
Without a business website audience you won’t grow. And everything you do to increase readership and make a more dedicated group will come back again and agai Read More
Before you swallow entrepreneurial advice from anybody, ask first whether they’ve ever built a business. And even then, don’t believe them; think about it, and decide for yourself. Read More

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