Dhennessy voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Years ago, the desktop computer changed the way accounting was done. Today, the accounting process is again undergoing a positive shift thanks to the emergence of the cloud. Read More
Anyone can be Napoleon from behind a keyboard. Never be intimidated by a competitor until you get up close and observe how they really compare to you and your business. Read More
What is link building? Learn about this important way to drive traffic to your website and have it appear higher in search results than your competitors'. Read More
Many organizations think they have to use the social media darlings Facebook and Twitter, but forget about LinkedIn. Here are tips for using it for biz dev. Read More
Looking for the best merchant services? Learn how to determine which merchant provider supplies the best merchant services and at the lowest cost. Read More
Entrepreneurs don't generally like structure, yet business procedures are essential. Here are seven ways to implement procedures that are light, simple, and easy. Read More
Facebook has released Graph Search and businesses in the United States (and soon the entire world) will be able to benefit. Here's what to expect. Read More
If there's one single thing that works better than anything else to get you more customers and clients, it's follow up. Sales expert Ian Brodie shares a simple step-by-step process for successfully following up with leads. Read More
Social media can be a powerful marketing tool for businesses, and it’s an especially good choice for small businesses that may lack the budget or manpower larger companies devote to marketing efforts. But keep in mind that not all social media platforms may be worth your time investment. Read More
Merchant cash advances have become a popular way for retail stores and restaurants to borrow cash; however, the effective interest rates at which this money is available make the “loan sharks” that appear in mob movies look like reasonable businessmen. Read More

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