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Connect and Give Rather than Ignore and Take

Connect and Give Rather than Ignore and Take - Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Self-Development
From 4226 days ago
Made Hot by: sprint01 on November 7, 2012 7:43 pm
If you just think about it, everyone knows someone who may be useful to be connected to someone else they know. It can be business or personal – if you can connect people to improve their lives or productivity then why not do it? Read More
Regardless of the size of your business, your shipping costs probably account for a big chunk of your expenses. If you have not carefully evaluated all aspects of the process, you are probably spending more money than you need to get your goods out;... Read More
Many small businesses actually foil their own chances of success by trying to expand too rapidly — hiring too many employees, taking on too many contracts, buying too much equipment etc. This mistake is known as premature scaling, and it’s estimated that it accounts for the failure of up to 50 perc Read More
One low-cost marketing move that can attract a large audience is the use of magnetic signs, particularly for placement on vehicles. These types of signs have proven quite effective as they provide a versatile, affordable and mobile way to spread the word about your business, cause or message... Read More
It is commonly believed that procrastination is born out of laziness, but this is generally not the case. Some people feel that they work better under pressure, while others may be dreading the work they have to do so much that they spend hours avoiding it. Still more people procrastinate because.. Read More
Many marketers and brands will agree that maintaining a blog is an essential part of a successful online marketing strategy. This is not surprising at all considering that blogs are among the channels where consumers get to know more about the products and services that they favor. If you maintain Read More
Drop shipping business ideas are popping up all over the place. One little seller or company needs someone to run their logistics, their shipping, and their material handling. With all of these ideas sweeping around, it would be great to be over their shipping- wouldn't it?... Read More
My first encounter with business coach extraordinaire, Antoinette Sykes was at the 2012 Stiletto Woman in Business Awards (#SWIBA). She was one of the featured speakers with an extremely powerful message and memorable story. Antoinette shared her tale of a corporate lay-off that left her with lots Read More
By now, you know that social media is popular. You may use it for personal reasons, for business or for both. Some people have social media accounts but they don’t use it very often, and others are constantly posting, liking or sharing content throughout all of their channels. Those who fall into t Read More
Every business strives to bring in new customers on a consistent basis. Customers are the main element that keeps a business operational. Therefore, business owners want to take every step possible to keep the base of new faces growing and expanding. Low-cost promotional items have a very high succ Read More

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