JohnPaul voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Quick question: do you know exactly how much time you are saving with the software you use on a daily basis? If your answer is “I don’t exactly know”, then you are in the right place. Many people who work in the SMB area are becoming more and more interested in this particular “productivity” featur Read More
santa video message, talking about me and and being funny and frisky

santa video message, talking about me and and being funny and frisky

santa video message, talking about me and and being funny and frisky
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How Do You Get Verified On Twitter? – Infographic

How Do You Get Verified On Twitter? – Infographic - Avatar Posted by JohnPaul under Social Media
From 2728 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on December 24, 2016 11:39 pm
Personally, I am still waiting on my little blue check, so even if you do everything right, you will still have to wait.

If you have never tried or have and haven’t been approved, this Infographic by SurePayroll will help you get the 6 steps done correctly giving you the BEST chance at getting a Read More
All 4 are social media platforms, but LinkedIn is more professional, you reach more professional people and the content you share and the way you use LinkedIn is different then how you use the other 3.

To help you better understand and get the most from your time on LinkedIn, I put together 8 ti Read More
I don’t know about you, but for me,the last part of 2016 is FLYING by, feels like it was Halloween a few days ago.

I’ve had a busy month getting things done, getting things layed out, getting things moved around to make time for a BIG announcement coming soon, that has been 9 years in the making Read More
As entrepreneurs, we have to be thankful for the things and the people we have in our lives today, because it may be all gone tomorrow.

I wanted to put this post together to just put my thankfulness out into the universe, things have been good for me, my life and my business in 2016 and I would Read More
Fighting plagiarism in blogging is an important part of running a trustworthy and credible site. Many bloggers are concerned about duplicate content and how it might impact their site rankings. While not all duplicated content is bad, if a site outranks you and is using the same content, then that Read More
If you have got a degree in healthcare, you might be thinking about starting your own healthcare business. Here are five you could start up right now. Read More
Millennials are the focus of retailers across the Globe owing to their total strength & purchasing power. This guide exhibits
all you want to know about millennials. Read More
Instead of making cuts on your Hotel rates, consider introducing a few free products for your clients. How Hotels Can Add Value to Guest with Venue Coupons. Read More

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