BizRock voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Simon Sinek explains how you can create a marketing campaign that speaks to the social animal in all of us. If you want to inspire customers to buy your products or services, don't miss this video. Read More
An informed buyer can reap substantial savings in some real estate markets. Make sure you do your homework. Read More
It’s Friday, and if you’re planning to still be working tomorrow… and the day after…maybe you need some a vacation. But when you’re a small business owner, taking time off can be easier said than done.
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One of the biggest challenges in starting your online store is advancing through the ever-evolving landscape of building a website that converts sales and attracts visitors to the site to purchase. Fortunately, there are ways to get free training. Read More

B2B Marketing – Must Be Present to Win

B2B Marketing – Must Be Present to Win  - Avatar Posted by DWesterberg under Marketing
From 4697 days ago
Made Hot by: HomeBusinessMedia on August 2, 2011 10:31 am
Your marketing needs you. If you are not passionate about the good your business does, it’s going to be hard to drum up the energy. Look at your marketing – really examine it. Does it look like you? Does it sound like you? Does it answer the questions that you get in real life? Read More
Often mistakenly called an Employee Identification Number, an EIN, or Employer Identification Number is also known as a your Federal Tax Identification Number. Similar to a social security number, an EIN is used to identify a business entity. Read More
Being in business means making decisions. Whether it is the exact shade of paint to add a touch of gloss to a product or the need to purchase equipment or sadly make someone redundant, business life is full of choices and the need to be decisive. Sometimes we are so bound up in the need to make dec Read More
Is your business struggling with unpaid taxes? You’re not alone, and since the recession began, the IRS has taken steps to help individuals and businesses that owe taxes get a fresh start with their tax liabilities.
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There are literally thousands of people all over the world who have managed to figure out how to make a steady, lucrative income from the internet. The problem is that there are so many scammers out there that it is difficult to decipher the legitimate opportunities from the ones that will just tak Read More
With the ever-increasing pressure of taxes on small businesses, owners need to find ways to minimise tax expense, legally. Here are ten ways for small business owners to save money on business taxes. Read More

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