These stories submitted by Dhennessy will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Thinking about the day you sell your startup? Private companies should prepare for enticing calls from Private Equity (PE) firms and corporate buyers. Michael Evans advises you be ready with a strategy to explore and seriously consider the “deal that may be too good to pass up.” Read More
In order to grow, a company must identify potential growth markets and opportunities for the organization’s limited resources while aligning working capital investments to support the execution of that strategy. Michael Evans shares seven strategies for exponential growth. Read More
The organizations that are surviving -- even thriving -- today are the ones that have demonstrated they are willing to adapt and be prepared to change direction when market conditions dictate that they should. Read More
How do you know if you are ready to hire a PR firm? Some of it is business stage and some of it is capacity and tenacity. Gini Dietrich shares six ways to know if you're ready. Read More
Mergers and acquisitions are difficult to accomplish. They require strong preparation, sophisticated advisors, and a dedicated management team. Richard Harroch shares various lessons learned from M&A transactions involving the sale of private companies, from the perspective of the selling company. Read More
Be prepared when pitching your startup company to a venture capitalist by anticipating the questions you will receive. Failure to have thoughtful and reasonable answers will decrease the likelihood of your company getting funded. Read More
For all the technology we’ve come to rely on, it’s still real people who are your greatest asset in business. Brian Spero of Money Crashers offers 10 ways to energize your staff and get employees motivated and more productive. Read More

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