Shanegibson submitted the following stories to BizSugar

This is part part 5 of the 19 Guerrilla Social Media Marketing Secrets inspired by Jay Levinson and adapted by Shane Gibson (me). Here's today's 3 Guerrilla Social Media Marketing Tips: 12. Dependent — “The guerrilla's job is not to compete but to cooperate with other businesses. Market them in return for them marketing you. Set up tie-ins Read More
This is day 13 of the 28 Days to Better Selling. Today's video on Twitter for sales people is about how to get more followers and connect with prospects. It also covers strategies on building community and credibility. This is twitter video is 13 minutes in length which is a bit longer than the rest of the lessons but I felt that the topic needed Read More

Twitter for Sales People Video Part 1

Twitter for Sales People Video Part 1 - Avatar Posted by shanegibson under Online Marketing
From 5483 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 2, 2009 12:34 pm
Today is day 12 of the 28 Days to Better Selling. Following the theme of prospecting and client development tools the next two days are about Twitter for Sales People (and any other business person for that matter.) how you start using is Twitter is key. You're joining a community and introducing yourself effectively can help you build brand an Read More
This is part part 4 of the 19 Guerrilla Social Media Marketing Secrets inspired by Jay Levinson and adapted by Shane Gibson (me). Here's today's 3 Guerrilla Social Media Marketing Tips: 9. Amazement — “Tell stories because stories are not boring.” — People love stories, that's why they follow you on Twitter, they are following the story of y Read More
Today's focus is on listening. A big part of being good at all the steps in the sales process has to do with listening and being totally present. I have put together (in PDF format) a brief self-assessment on listening for you to complete. A big part of being a successful communicator is self-awareness. Take time during and after this assessment Read More

Don't Be a Boring Sales Person Sales Podcast

Don't Be a Boring Sales Person Sales Podcast - Avatar Posted by shanegibson under Sales
From 5487 days ago
Made Hot by: neshthompson on May 28, 2009 2:26 pm
Face it, as sales people we can be really boring. We're predictable, and in most cases we sound just like the next guy. Being boring is a guaranteed way to commoditize our product or service and drag our sales cycle out much longer than it has to be. Listen to today's podcast and then do the following: 1) Make a list of all the mediums you Read More
Investigative prospecting is about identifying individuals or corporations that are experiencing a certain event that makes them more open to immediately doing business with you. We have talked about sources of sales leads, and even Linkedin prospecting in the past few days. Today's sales podcast is for Day 6 of The 28 Days to Better Selling. I Read More
Today's sales podcast is Day 5 of The 28 days to Better Selling and is focused on using Linkedin as a prospecting tool. There are many aspects of Linkedin but today we going to focus on the function that enables us to get introduced to a prospect through a friend. Your assignment today is to connect with three prospects through Linkedin. Ste Read More
Today's assignment is focused on finding and developing more lead and networking sources. Watch the video and then take the following action steps: 1) Make a list of all the possible lead and networking sources. 2) Pick the ones that have a high concentration of you're A target or A referral sources 3) Join and or book yourself for some event Read More
Today's daily discipline is Prospecting. There are many types of prospecting and we will focus on several approaches over the next few days. Today's focus is on in-person or one-on-one prospecting. Tomorrow I will be giving the top prospector $500 worth of my personal time, coaching one-on-one via telephone or in person if you are located nearby. Read More

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