Mallaharidat submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Do you need marketing tips for your online store? I share three in this post from an Etsy store that I heart. Learn how to she turned me from a one time shopper into a lifetime customer. Read More
Take a moment to congratulate yourself on everything that you accomplished this year. Surprised I'm not telling you to do a variety of things for the next level in your business?

Nope! Read more and find out why Read More
Send me your business goals for the end of 2014 and here’s what I’ll do:
1. Read them with a nonjudgmental eye and “ear”. Yes, I will have compassion for grammar and spelling. lol.
2. Help you select the #1 thing to prioritize. Read More
Are you freaking out about the business goals that you wanted to achieve this year….and haven’t tackled?

So if you glanced up in panic mode but are ready to take action, I’ve got two ideas for you: Read More
Before you spend a dime on marketing materials and displays, travel and logistics, ask yourself this question:
What is the one action that everyone needs to take who passes by your booth? Read More
It’s easy to be inspired by other entrepreneurs. Especially when they are smart and successful young female entrepreneurs showing the world what’s possible!

And so I introduce you to Brea and Halle Holmes - a sister team of young entrepreneurs who started their own skin care line, Sweet Dream G Read More
Are you still wondering what the heck happened to your 2013 business goals?
Well have no fear! You’ve got a few days to end the year with a bang.
So here’s what I want you to do – go back to the resolutions that you had for your business in early 2013. You know the list of things that you said Read More
You spent hours working on your website and are loving the final product. You researched, talked with friends and other planners and set your prices. And of course, you LOVE hosting events and are passionate about the details and setting a good environment. But there’s a big problem you are experie Read More

Get out of your head and sell! - Malla Haridat

Get out of your head and sell! - Malla Haridat - Avatar Posted by mallaharidat under Sales
From 3859 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on November 8, 2013 4:31 pm
The big difference for those that have successful businesses is their EXECUTION of the good ideas.
And how do you do that?
You start selling your ideas and see if they have value. Read More
Think you really need a location to start you business? And lack funds? Here is an option on how you can get creative and get your business started. Read More

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