Jsternal submitted the following stories to BizSugar

As entrepreneurs continue to kick around some world cup marketing ideas for small business, the rest of the world wakes up awaiting the start of the global four-week soccer tournament Read More
Have you ever wondered about how to get an editorial in the newspaper for your business? Getting an editorial in your favor is quite tricky because rarely are they ever promotional. Here are some tips to help.. Read More
Have you ever watched a CNN or Fox News Channel report on a small business or entrepreneur talking about his or her company? Readers ask all the time how can I get my small business on CNN? If you’re a regular reader of this blog you know there are all kinds of ways to get this kind of publicity. Read More
Although the median age of CEOs is 54, one of the fasted growing demographics of entrepreneurs is young people. According to a survey by JA Worldwide almost three-quarters ... Read More
Are you an entrepreneur looking for new ways to use photos in small business PR efforts? Check out this list of useful tips that explain how to use photos, images and illustrations to obtain publicity for your small business. Read More

How To Get On A Talk Radio Show

How To Get On A Talk Radio Show  - http://www.understandingmarketing.com Avatar Posted by jsternal under Public Relations
From http://www.understandingmarketing.com 5176 days ago
Made Hot by: PeaceNLove on April 7, 2010 3:28 pm
Does your small business have something to add to an issue currently being discussed in the news? How about going on a talk radio show to get your message out. There are a lot of great radio talk shows on the air that are constantly looking for guests on a variety of topics, yes, even political shows. Read More
Next time you design a small business promotional flyer for your company use these guidelines to help in your promotional efforts. Restaurants, retailers, dentists and many other small businesses can take advantage of promotional flyers since they’re a great way to get the attention of your target audience. Read More
Most people think a press release is supposed to be about news that is happening at the moment because something is being announced (a new executive at the company, new product launch, how much money the company made). But did you know that a press release can also be used to tell a story that is considered more “evergreen” – an angle that reads almost like a feature story. Read More
There is no science to the timing of email marketing, only footprints and guidelines that have been tested by people and businesses in the past. Plus, email marketing is constantly changing and their strategies may be forced to shift over time. The best day to send marketing emails for one company isn't always the best for every company. Read More
Today it’s all about the subject line. You may have the most compelling, well-written small business press release. But if the subject line doesn’t capture their attention immediately and make them open the release, all that work is sitting on the curb. You can refer to the PR Toolkit for small business to find examples of other bad press releases. Read More

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