Marcana submitted the following stories to BizSugar

We can't all be doing it wrong...can we? Mark Brimm explores how certain gurus seem to think so, and why it IS possible to differentiate a bit more than the now-laughable "you're doing it wrong" attitude when consulting people on how to integrate social media into an overall communications strategy Read More
Insightful look at how marketing strategies are subject to the basic economic laws of supply and demand, and what that should tell you about your currently employed marketing strategy Read More
Many overlook the power of comment love from blogs ( like this one! ) who provide do-follow rel tags on all of our post links and comment links. While comment spam is understood by most blog owners to be bad, many are starting blogs without any conception of why they should provide do-follow rel tags on comments (and posts). This brief article explains why you should do-follow in simple language Read More
Advertising is usually portrayed as something that drains brainpower rather than augments it. Science fiction authors like Phillip K. Dick were obsessed with painting dystopian futures like those portrayed in Blade Runner and Minority Report in which the average person was.. Read More
Justin McCullough explains why selling is an easily weakened activity that people in sales are frequently not doing. Then he shows how to up the ante and bring more focus to sales interactions. Good article for any sales manager, sales person or home business owner who is out of steam on the topic of selling Read More

Being a Sellout

Being a Sellout - Avatar Posted by Marcana under Social Media
From 5079 days ago
The unknowing peers, fans, pundits, and friends tell us when we’ve sold out.  They will tell us on the streets, on the phones, in email, online and everywhere else. They are all wrong. “You’re on Myspace! Dude, what are you Read More
Will Reichard's piece about social media and focus for the sake of branding and marketing communications. Read More
JC Hewitt engages in a discussion of the new kinds of challenges that corporations and startups face in an age of social media demanding transparency and contingency-planning like no other before age has before it Read More
WP Blogs can be tracked with an array of analytics tools that build actionable data sets. This article is the first in a series that takes the reader through building actionable data, and ROI, on little or no budget Read More
Many corporations and organizations still don’t really get social media, perhaps because they are operating in a former mode that denies social media realities. Many organizations, on the other hand, are using new media to connect in a with the public in a positive manner. Mostly, however, this doesn’t go beyond having a profile on Twitter and a Facebook fan page, perhaps a blog in rare cases–perhaps tweeting now and then about your organizational events, or when your CEO or founder is in the news. This is, in the end, not where the promise of social media engagement lies, but its inevitable white noise Read More

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