Justanbrandt voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Avoid Seminars with Social Media Experts

Avoid Seminars with Social Media Experts - http://thebestdamnconsultant.com Avatar Posted by justanbrandt under Social Media
From http://thebestdamnconsultant.com 5264 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 4, 2010 9:55 am
Any marketer who is truthful and honest will tell you that social media marketing (SMM) is still an emerging concept. It hasn’t fully matured and there is no secret formula that will always work. Yet I continue to see seminars on social media pop up everywhere. This would be fine if most of them didn’t declare to have an “expert” speaker. I’m unaware of how anyone can be a true expert in social Read More
Average is the benchmark of those businesses that will one day fail or be left behind as others in the industry find ways to be amazing, which is defined by Encarta as “so extraordinary or wonderful as to be barely believable”. What you should be asking yourself is “What is the average and how can I be amazing?” Read More
Only 4% of US consumers follow a brand on Twitter and only 9% have become fans on sites like Facebook. Read More

Brand Your Small Business Across Multiple Social Media Sites

Brand Your Small Business Across Multiple Social Media Sites - http://justanbrandt.com Avatar Posted by justanbrandt under Social Media
From http://justanbrandt.com 5266 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 2, 2010 4:54 pm
Once you’ve decided to take your small business into the social media world it’s a good idea to brand yourself with a consistent web identity. Namechk is a free online service that will: "Check to see if your desired username or vanity url is still available at dozens of popular Social Networking and Social Bookmarking websites." Read More
eCommerce call center expert discusses her own nightmare of an online shopping experience and explains how an FAQ page can save a sale and promote better customer service. Read More
CRM,customer relationship management, has been driven out to us as a concept by software houses for a number of years. But what is CRM and can you do it without software? Read More
A top 10 list with stats as to why a company might want to look at using CRM to help drive sales and reduce costs.

A proper implemenation of Client Relationship Management software can add significantly to the overall health of a company. Read More
FIND US ON FACEBOOK…FOLLOW US ON TWITTER These two statements seem to be everywhere; billboards, websites, emails, newsletters, even inserts with your restaurant bill. But there is always something missing, why should I be following you or become a fan. Businesses large and small have taken the mentality of “if we build it they will come”, which could explain why very few consumers follow or fa Read More
It’s estimated that 2.3 million mobile coupons will be redeemed in 2010. So how does your small business take advantage of this growing trend? Read More
If you’re using Twitter for your small business, knowing what effects your tweets have on your followers is invaluable. TweetEffect is a free service that will allow you to “find out which of your Twitter updates made people follow or leave you." Read More

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