These stories submitted by Saragsw will be featured BizSugar's homepage

New data is made every minute and that’s on all sorts of topics, from science to math, from personal development to computer games. How can we possibly keep up with all these new information? You can’t because your brain can only store so much, but you can try to learn as much as you can. Read More
In this article, we’ll discuss the habit of playing a work theme song, why it can make you productive, the specifics of the habit, and how to pick your own song. Read More
In this article, we will talk about the habit of going to a happy place, what is a happy place, and how it can make you productive. Read More
In this article, I will share with you tips on how to set a goal with a partner and your responsibilities toward your goal as well as your partner. Take note that I’m not only talking about a partner in the sense of an intimate relationship. You can also set a goal with a friend, a best friend, or Read More
This article will talk about the one thing that will definitely prevent you from achieving your dreams – bad habits. I say definitely because they are habits, meaning you’ve been doing it for a long time and you most likely are not aware that it’s preventing you from achieving your dreams. Read More
This article is all about the tricks I learned after handling several big projects and strict deadlines. Read More
I needed to maximize productivity if I was to finish all my back-logged work and still manage to perform my daily tasks. If you have the same predicament as I had, here’s what you can do to maximize your productivity. Read More
Doesn’t it boggle your mind when you just can’t seem to get out of procrastination? It’s just always there especially when you need to get something done. It’s like a virus that incubates inside you for weeks and suddenly just disappears after a time. It does go away, but by the time it has packed Read More
This article will solely talk about winning. Another one will come along on losing, so watch out for that. As of now, let’s talk about winning and what came to me after watching the match and seeing Manuel Marquez go to the corner of the ring, arms raised, and rejoicing his victory. Read More
At work, there are times when we just don’t have the energy or motivation to do anything. It seems like we’ve lost our desire to perform, even the things that we love to do. What should you do in times like these? Here are a few things you might want to consider. These activities are short and can Read More

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